Friday, March 3, 2017

Council Tools Boy's Axe Mods and Sheath Update

Hey guys! I'm back to posting on the Council Tools Boy's Axe. I still haven't had it that long, so I am going to wait until at least June before I post the review. But for now, I want to talk about all the mods I have done on my axe so far.

I have also added an apple cider vinegar patina.

So far I have:
  • peeled the stickers
  • oiled the handle
  • sanded the handle
  • sanded the paint off the head
  • made a leather sheath or mask
  • oiled and waxed the handle and head
  • sharpened it (It came quite dull from the factory, but it is now paper-cutting sharp.)
All of these mods are easy and doable with only hand tools, but I used a sander for the head. I didn't use a belt sander, as that could destroy the heat treat. I also could have sanded it by hand, or used paint stripper, but I actually like how the red paint stayed in the cracks. Plus, it could protect it from rust. I oiled it with olive oil and waxed it with paraffin.

Here are a few pictures:

The pole of the axe had to be lightly sanded to remove the light rust from the patina.

As for axes, this is great and probably one of the best boy's axes you can buy. And the price tag is great. (You can see my previous post on the Council Tools Boy's Axe for more info.)

Here's a side view of my CT Boy's Axe

Thanks for reading and check in often if you enjoyed this post! Please tell your friends and family about my blog. You can also comment below. Thank you fellow woodcrafters!

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